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Win a Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Prize Bundle

Win a Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Prize Bundle

4 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

This Competition was run concurrently on these Competition Websites:
- Life Death Prizes - What's On TV - Woman's Weekly Magazine -

The winners have been drawn using all the correct entries from all of these sites.

Life Death Prizes (1 winner)


Win a Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Prize Bundle

What's On TV (2 winners)

S Fells, Gosport

Win a Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Prize Bundle


Win a Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Prize Bundle

Woman's Weekly Magazine (1 winner)


Win a Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Prize Bundle

Win a Mouth and Foot Painting Artists prize bundle of new Spring products, that includes: a set of five prints, greeting cards, wrapping paper, puzzles, playing cards, an address book and more!

The MFPA is a self-help partnership of over 800 global artists with disabilities who create stunning artistic designs using just their mouths and feet which are then made into products.

The sales of the MFPA cards and products afford artists financial independence, whilst empowering and giving representation to the disabled community.

The roots of the MFPA go back to 1957 when the mouth painter Erich Stegmann, who was afflicted with polio from a very young age, brought together a small group of disabled artists from eight European countries to create a self-help association.

It was his belief that if painters with similar impairments formed a co-operative it would be possible for them to live by their artistic efforts and enjoy a sense of work security that until then had eluded them.

Stegmann was adamant that the international Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists must never be regarded as a charity simply because many of its members were wheelchair users or even in hospital beds. To him, the key word was “partnership”. This idea lives through the association today.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 01/05/2023.


Win a Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Prize Bundle x4