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Win a pram and accessories worth £1,000


1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

L Thomson, Glasgow

A Pram and accessories worth £1000

One prize to be won

We’ve got together with Germany’s leading pram brand, ABC Design, so one reader can win a Salsa 4 Diamond Edition Travel System Bundle in Dolphin Black – the compact and lightweight three-in-one pram for every day.’ The Salsa 4 is dynamic, lightweight and extremely easy to manoeuvre.

A pushchair with personality which will be a reliable companion to you and your baby from your very first day together, wherever life may take you. It boasts a compact folding size and collapses down easily, even with the stroller attachment in place. Swivel front wheels enhance its agility.

Ball bearings and integrated suspension also add to the smoothness of the ride, even when on the biggest adventures! The prize is worth £1,049, and includes a chassis with solid EVA wheels, reversible pushchair seat unit, carrycot with safety mattress, newborn footmuff, Tulip i-Size car seat, Isofix base, car seat adaptors, Urban changing bag and a rain cover, all by ABC Design.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 10/12/2022.


A Pram and accessories worth £1000 x1