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Win a holiday to Portugal


1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners


A holiday to Portugal

Fun in the sun, thanks to Neutradol 

Thanks to fresh air specialists Neutradol, with a product for every smelly situation, we are giving away a holiday to the Algarve! You and a guest will be staying at the Albufeira Jardim above the fishing city of Albufeira and surrounded by its own gardens.  

You will enjoy your own apartment with a kitchenette and balcony to enjoy your holiday at your own pace. Enjoy the onsite coffee shop, restaurant, bar, tennis courts, games room and swimming pools to help you unwind in the sundrenched Portuguese climate.  

When you get home after an invigorating break you will want your house to feel fresh and clean. It’s the perfect time to think about getting rid of those unpleasant smells caused by lingering bacteria. Using Neutradol, which is different to other brands that just cover up the smells with a synthetic perfume, Neutradol kills the molecules that cause that bad odour.  

Neutradol is safe and hygienic and with 50 different ingredients, it keeps killing bacteria and smells long after other air fresheners have stopped hiding odours with unpleasant chemicals. So to keep that holiday freshness and kill those smells use Neutradol, the World’s most effective air deodorizer. Fresh air for your home, work or car is available from Neutradol, in Original, Super Fresh and Fresh Pink, and all come in Spray and Gel. There are also products for your smelly dustbins and Deofab for fabrics. And don’t forget when you go on any holiday to stock up on ‘After Bite’ to relieve all those irritating bites and stings 

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 08/10/2022.


A holiday to Portugal x1