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Win a holiday to Crete


1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners


a holiday to Crete


Thanks to fresh-air specialist Neutradol, which has a product for every smelly situation, you and your lucky guest could win a week on the Greek island of Crete. You will be staying at the Cretan Sun apartments in popular Rethymnon. Rethymnon sits on Crete’s north coast and its Old Town has interesting mosques, Renaissance buildings and even a huge fortress to explore. After a day relaxing on the sandy beach, enjoy the seafood restaurants and lively bars surrounding the harbour. And remember to take a dip in the sparkling hotel pool, before returning home refreshed.

When you get back, you will want your home to have that summer-holiday freshness.

And since the problems of COVID-19, we all want our home to feel fresh and stay clean and free from bacteria. To get rid of unpleasant smells caused by lingering bacteria, you need Neutradol, which kills the molecules that cause bad odours – unlike other brands that just cover up the smells with a synthetic perfume. Neutradol is safe and hygienic and it keeps killing bacteria and smells long after other air fresheners have stopped hiding odours with unpleasant chemicals. So to keep that holiday freshness and kill those smells, use Neutradol, the world’s most effective air deodorizer Fresh air for your home, work or car is available from Neutradol in a range of sprays, gels and powders in Original, Super Fresh and Fresh Pink, as well as the Sniff ‘N’ Purr pet-odour destroyer. Neutradol Carpet Deodorizer is now the UK’s major deodorizing brand that you can shake on your carpet and vacuum up. Using the unique Neutradol deodorizing power, it destroys unpleasant odours such as pet, tobacco and cooking smells.

And don’t forget, on any holiday, to buy After Bite to relieve all those bites and stings.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 06/08/2023.


a holiday to Crete x1