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Win a holiday to Corfu


1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

S Lee-Frampton, Stowmarket

A holiday to Corfu

Fun in the sun, thanks to Neutradol

Thanks to Neutradol, the fresh air specialists including the UK’s biggest carpet deodorizer brand, you and a guest could soon be enjoying a week in Corfu.

Sidari, located on the north-west of the sun-drenched island awaits you. A former fishing village, Sidari has grown to welcome an international crowd of holidaymakers, lured by picture perfect coves, lively nightlife and a dramatic coastline.

Your home will be the Damia Hotel with a backdrop of blue skies, heaps of Greek style hospitality and close to the Canal d’ Amour’s natural, glittering beauty. Surrounded by a lush Mediterranean forest, the free form swimming pool is the place to be. If the sun gets too hot, simply slip into the reviving water to feel fully refreshed in no time.

When you get back, you’ll want your home and carpets to have that holiday freshness. To get rid of unpleasant smells caused by lingering bacteria, you need Neutradol, which kills the molecules that cause bad odours, unlike other brands that just cover up the smells with a synthetic perfume.

Neutradol Carpet Deodorizer is now the UK’s biggest deodorizing carpet brand that you can shake on your carpet and vacuum up any lingering dirt and smells. Using Neutradol’s unique deodorizing power, it destroys unpleasant odours such as pet, tobacco and cooking smells. Fresh air for your home, work or car is available from Neutradol in a range of Spray, Gel and Powder, in Original, Super Fresh and Fresh Pink. Plus, there is the Sniff n Purr pet odour destroyer, too.

Neutradol is safe and hygienic, and it keeps killing bacteria and smells long after other air fresheners have stopped

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 04/05/2024.


A holiday to Corfu x1