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Win a TV tech bundle with “Murder: First on Scene”

TV and Soundbar

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Ending in





Competition Winners

G Hall, Chorley

TV and Soundbar

"Murder: First on Scene" – the latest instalment in CBS Reality’s original true crime series – premieres it’s next five episodes on Tuesday 1st March at 10pm on CBS Reality and continues weekly on Tuesdays until 29th March. To enjoy the show from the edge of your seat, we’re giving one lucky reader the chance to win an exciting tech bundle to watch "Murder: First on Scene" on and join each enthralling investigation as they pan out in upcoming episodes. 

The series follows the timeline of real life murder cases, uncovering the intricate nature of the investigations and the ingenious methods used to catch the killer. Each case brought to life through personal testimonials and stylised reconstruction.

Each episode features one police investigation that starts with the discovery of a body. Following the twists and turns of the murder enquiry, each episode analyses the processes through the eyes of specialists; from detectives, forensics officers and medical examiners to cyber security experts, entomologists and prosecutors. With the clock ticking, all of the stages of the murder inquiry require the most diligent and effective investigative work to give the best possible chance for a conviction. With each step often relying on the previous person’s work to enable the case to move forward, one mistake or wrong move could derail an investigation.

“Murder: First on Scene” is available on CBS Reality on Freeview (67), Sky (146), Virgin (148) and Freesat (135) on Tuesdays at 22:00, from 1st March until 29th March.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 29/03/2022.


TV and Soundbar x1