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Win the new and very quiet Hoover Air Purifier

Win the new and very quiet Hoover Air Purifier

3 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

This Competition was run concurrently on these Competition Websites:
- Life Death Prizes - Woman Magazine - Woman's Weekly Magazine -

The winners have been drawn using all the correct entries from all of these sites.

Life Death Prizes (1 winner)


Win the new and very quiet Hoover Air Purifier

Woman Magazine (1 winner)

J Braybrook, LONDON

Win the new and very quiet Hoover Air Purifier

Woman's Weekly Magazine (1 winner)


Win the new and very quiet Hoover Air Purifier

Win a Hoover Air Purifier with pollen inactivation worth £349. 

It seems like this summer’s pollen count has been higher and lasted longer than ever, so there’s no better time to get our most technically advanced air purifier to date. Controlled manually or via an app, four LED lights help you to monitor your house’s air quality in real-time. You can even create your own specific pollen allergy profile. A HEPA filter removes 99.97% of allergens, fumes, cooking smells & smoke particles. We’ve engineered our air purifier to be as quiet as possible, with a ‘Sleep Mode’ making it even quieter so you can get a good night’s sleep while the Hoover Air Purifier cleans the air.  

To give you even more chance of winning we’re giving not one but three Hoover Air Purifiers away in our competition. 

But don’t worry if you don’t win, if you fancy ensuring your home is pollen and allergen free we have a limited (while stocks last) offer giving you a massive 60% discount on the RRP, simply go to: and enter the following code: XXXX on checkout.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 01/08/2023.


Win the new and very quiet Hoover Air Purifier x3