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WIN! A selection of flavour-packed Tracklements

WIN! A selection of flavour-packed Tracklements condiments

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

This Competition was run concurrently on these Competition Websites:
- Life Death Prizes - Woman's Weekly Magazine -

The winners have been drawn using all the correct entries from all of these sites.

Life Death Prizes (1 winner)

E Bethell, London

WIN! A selection of flavour-packed Tracklements condiments

Woman's Weekly Magazine (1 winner)


WIN! A selection of flavour-packed Tracklements condiments

WIN! A selection of flavour-packed Tracklements sure to elevate ordinary meals to extraordinary including the award-winning Fresh Chilli Jam, highly-acclaimed Caramelised Onion Marmalade, Strong Horseradish Cream, Particularly British Piccalilli and Apple & Cider Brandy Chutney, plus a hand-crafted Oak & Rope cheeseboard, Robert Welch chutney spoons, beeswax wraps, Tracklements’ tea-towel and apron.

The hope of spring bursts forth in March with a whole bunch of veggies.  Tracklements Strong Horseradish Cream makes a fiery foil alongside fillets of omega-3 rich mackerel, sliced ruby red radishes, peppery watercress and buttered Jersey Royals. Purple sprouting broccoli goes just as well as asparagus with a Robust Wholegrain Mustard lemony hollandaise sauce.  Top with poached eggs for a new twist on brunch, or have it for a quick, healthy dinner with a fillet of grilled salmon.  And back to potatoes (why not?) well, we just love them with a few slices of baked ham and a (very) significant dollop of sharp, crunchy Particularly British Piccalilli which is made with cider vinegar from the oldest family cider business in Britain.

The Tracklements B-Corp, planet-friendly range of over 40 award-winning chutneys, relishes, sauces and eight varieties of mustard add joy to a weeknight side and va-va-voom to a Spring-time family centrepiece.  Still made in small batches, by hand, using the best-quality ingredients sourced locally wherever possible and easily tasting as good as, if not better than, homemade, there’s plenty of vegan, veggie and gluten-free options to please every palate and diet.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 29/03/2023.


WIN! A selection of flavour-packed Tracklements condiments x2