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Win and make your garden pop, with Dobbies

Outdoor living set

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

R Wood, Wakefield

Outdoor living set

Dobbies, the UK’s leading garden centre, is inviting you to make the most of your outdoor space this summer and give your gardening practice an eco-friendly makeover with an exciting bundle of sustainable gardening products worth £250.

With more gardeners looking to implement greener practices, Dobbies has an expansive new range of wildflower seeds, peat-free compost, tools, and organic plant feeds to suit gardens of all shapes and sizes.

Up for grabs is a bumper package of eco-friendly products including Dobbies’s popular own-brand wildflower seeds that come in both seed bomb and shaker form. Ideal for beginner and seasoned gardeners alike, these easy-to-grow seeds can be sown with little to no ground prep, making them perfect for growing with kids to encourage pollinators and wildlife into your garden.

The prize will also include a selection of organic plant feeds to ensure your beds and borders get all the nutrients they need to bloom this summer, and eco tools to make planting enjoyable. Also included in the bundle is Dobbies’ award-winning own-brand peat free compost that’s packed full of essential plant food and will give your new season plants, fruit and vegetables the best possible start.

With 70 Dobbies Garden Centres nationwide, plus six little dobbies stores, find your local store, browse the Spring Summer 2023 collections and find helpful gardening tips and seasonal advice on our website. 

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 05/10/2023.


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