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To ENTER this competition for FREE either


WIN a 1 Year Supply of Dear Doggo's Probiotic Chews

A 1 Year Supply of Dear Doggo’s Probiotic Treats (13 tubs)

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

This Competition was run concurrently on these Competition Websites:
- Life Death Prizes - Celebs Now -

The winners have been drawn using all the correct entries from all of these sites.

Life Death Prizes (1 winner)

z brown, Guildford

A 1 Year Supply of Dear Doggo’s Probiotic Treats (13 tubs)

Celebs Now (1 winner)

E Kelly, Littleborough

A 1 Year Supply of Dear Doggo’s Probiotic Treats (13 tubs)

This festive season and going into the New Year, give your furry friend the gift of health & wellness with Dear Doggo’s Probiotic Chews, the ultimate superfood for dogs! Containing a probiotic blend & powerful natural ingredients, it tastes amazing and has so many functional health benefits.

However, you don’t need to be a competition winner to put your dog’s health at the forefront, try Dear Doggo now here:

To spread the joy, we're thrilled to announce the Dear Doggo Happy Tummy Giveaway, offering one lucky dog and their loving owner a YEAR'S supply (12 tubs) of tail-wagging goodness!

As we approach the holidays, what better way to celebrate, than ensuring your canine companion has a happy tummy all year round? Dear Doggo Happy Tummy is not just a treat; it's a daily dose of digestive wellness, promoting a healthier and happier life for your four-legged family member.

Why Dear Doggo Probiotic Treats?

  • Specially crafted probiotic formula for optimal canine gut health.
  • Delicious chews that dogs adore – making health a treat!
  • Supports gut health, immunity, digestion, and overall well-being.
  • Powerful natural ingredients such as pumpkin, papaya, maqui berry & flaxseed.
  • They are Vet approved and recommended.

Entering is a breeze! Simply answer the competition question correctly and you and your dog might be the lucky winners! Goodluck!

Don't miss out on this chance to give your dog the gift of a Happy Tummy for a whole year. A perfect gift for a happy, healthy doggo – enter now and let the tail-wagging festivities begin!

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 17/01/2024.


A 1 Year Supply of Dear Doggo’s Probiotic Treats (13 tubs) x2