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Win a Bosch cordless leaf blower

1 prize to be won!

With the Bosch cordless leaf blower ALB 36 LI, you can clear unsightly leaves from around your property quickly and easily. From your driveway to your lawn, the leaf blower's powerful 36-volt battery gives you the freedom to work in many different locations. This lightweight, comfortable, easy-to-use tool allows you to work even for long periods without tiring.

With ergonomically designed with optimal weight distribution for comfortable handling, variable blower speed for improved control when tackling garden debris and a powerful 36 V battery which is compatible with all Bosch 36 V garden tools, this leaf blower provides up to 35 minutes battery runtime.

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Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 02/06/2026.


Bosch Cordless Leaf Blower with 36 V 2.0 Ah Lithium-Ion Battery x1