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Win Asmodee X Bundle

Asmodee X Competition Bundle

10 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

This Competition was run concurrently on these Competition Websites:
- Life Death Prizes - Woman's Weekly Magazine - What's On TV - Celebs Now - Woman Magazine -

The winners have been drawn using all the correct entries from all of these sites.

Life Death Prizes (2 winners)

C Wardroper, HASTINGS

Asmodee X Competition Bundle

A Wildman, BINGLEY

Asmodee X Competition Bundle

Woman's Weekly Magazine (4 winners)

S Richardson, Ibstock

Asmodee X Competition Bundle

D Maxwell, SANDOWN

Asmodee X Competition Bundle

T Kelly, Bootle

Asmodee X Competition Bundle

G Smith, Manchester

Asmodee X Competition Bundle

What's On TV (1 winner)

K Grant, London

Asmodee X Competition Bundle

Celebs Now (2 winners)

N Robbins, Bilston

Asmodee X Competition Bundle

T McGuigan, Todmorden

Asmodee X Competition Bundle

Woman Magazine (1 winner)


Asmodee X Competition Bundle

We've teamed up with Asmodee, the UK's leading Family Games Company, to bring you an incredible bundle of family fun! Fifteen lucky winners will each receive a bundle featuring some of the most entertaining games around - Bananagrams, Dobble Connect, Toodles, and Bunny Hops.

Bananagrams is the worldwide-hit word game that can be enjoyed by the whole family. It includes 144 plastic letter tiles and a thrilling race to complete your crossword grid faster than your opponents. With no need for pencil, paper, or a board, it's a game you can play in as little as five minutes.

Dobble Connect is the ultimate family game, a modern twist on the classic Dobble. Race against time to match symbols and connect four hexagonal cards in your color. It's simple to learn and endlessly entertaining, suitable for ages 8+.

Toodles, created by Radio One DJ Matt Edmondson, is a hilarious party game that requires teamwork and creativity. Draw together, conquer challenges, and score points as a team, with three difficulty levels to choose from. It's perfect for ages 7+ and can accommodate 3-10 players.

Bunny Hops! is the perfect game to shake things up at your Christmas gathering. Place a card on your forehead and guess as many words as you can in 1 minute, while your team gives you clues by miming, dancing, singing, humming, and describing. It's suitable for ages 10+ and can entertain 4-16 players.

This incredible bundle offers something for everyone, promising hours of laughter and fun. Don't miss your chance to win these fantastic games and make your family gatherings this Christmas extra special!

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 31/10/2023.


Asmodee X Competition Bundle x10