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Win a Triton Amore DuElec™ shower worth £319

Triton Amore DuElec™ shower

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

This Competition was run concurrently on these Competition Websites:
- Life Death Prizes - Woman's Own Magazine -

The winners have been drawn using all the correct entries from all of these sites.

Life Death Prizes (1 winner)

G Lamertonsmith, PLYMOUTH

Triton Amore DuElec™ shower

Woman's Own Magazine (1 winner)

A Pamley, Hull

Triton Amore DuElec™ shower

Triton, the UK’s leading shower manufacturer, is giving two readers the chance to win a gloss black Amore DuElec™ electric shower with diverter kit.

The latest addition to Triton’s extensive range, the stylish Amore DuElec™ combines contemporary looks with intuitive technology.

With a fixed, overhead rainfall drencher and handheld five-spray pattern shower head, it’s easy to customise your showering experience by diverting water between the two luxurious options - or by using both together for a really invigorating blast. Touch-activated controls, paired together with an OLED display, make it easy to select your chosen power and temperature settings.

Also available in gloss white, the Amore DuElec™ has a slender riser rail that coordinates seamlessly with modern fixtures.

Furthermore, Triton’s Amore DuElec™ offers an energy-efficient way to heat and use water, for a cleaner conscience when showering. By heating instantly and on demand, it avoids unnecessary wastage without compromising on performance.

To find out more about Triton’s range of showers, visit:  

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 08/08/2022.


Triton Amore DuElec™ shower x2