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Win a Hotel Chocolat six month chocolate subscription

Win a Hotel Chocolat six month chocolate subscription

1 prize to be won!

As one of the best comfort foods in the world, what could be better than a regular chocolate delivery straight to your doorstep? For six months, members of the chocolate tasting club will receive a monthly surprise package containing a variety of mouth-watering, luxury products. Which version you choose is completely up to you! The ‘Classic’ box contains a mixture of recipes, the ‘Mellow Milk’ is alcohol-free and the ‘High Cocoa’ is packed with deep flavours. For a more boozy option, pick the ‘Fortified’, or the ‘Rabot 1745’, which showcases rare cocoas from around the world. Enter now to treat your tastebuds.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 28/04/2025.


Win a Hotel Chocolat six month chocolate subscription x1